Stevia FAQ

Stevia Frequently Asked Questions.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Welcome to my blog about Stevia Facts

This is the blog where you can ask questions about Stevia and one our world class researchers can respond to your query.

Please add your comments below and a blog entry will be created to answer your question.


At 5:30 AM, Blogger CarolG said...

Good morning! I am very interested to know what effects stevia has on the body. I understand stevia is good for circulation. Is this an indirect effect because a person uses less sugar or is it a direct effect of the herb? How does it effect circulation? In what other ways does it effect the body that we know about or suspect? Can you accidently get too much so that it has a negative effect (other than taste)? Should you avoid mixing it with certain botanicals or medicines such as hawthorne berry (which is a beta blocker)?

Also, what is the difference in buying and using the bulk herb instead of the stevia sold in boxes or envelops?


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